Where Are the Missing Account Category Exceptions?

When there are more account category exceptions in your Heads Up than you see on the Our Team Page, here's how to find and resolve the rest

The total number of exceptions is shown in Heads Up, but you have to remember to look for potential National exceptions, or on a business unit that is not turned on for you.
If the number of exceptions in your Heads Up on your HOME Page doesn’t match the number of all your AEs totaled on your OUR TEAM page on the MORE tab, there might be potential National exceptions. In the top left of the OUR TEAM page, change the Local/National filter to National, and see if any National team members have exceptions.
You can move all of the non-billing National exceptions to the account category OPEN, or other challengeable category. With the firewall between National and Local, local salespeople can’t request those national accounts even if they are in a challengeable category. This will also keep your National team member from being over their account category limits.