This article provides a guide on how to enter secondary budgets in ShareBuilder CRM.
Accurate budgeting and forecasting are essential for effective financial planning and performance tracking. Utilizing ShareBuilder CRM's budgeting tools allows organizations to set financial targets, monitor progress, and make informed decisions to achieve their business objectives.
Define Budget Criteria:
- Open the filter at the top of the page.
- Set the budget criteria, including the year, Local/National/Regional designation, and Business Unit.
- Click Select to proceed.
Enter Business Unit Budget:
You can enter your total Business Unit budget in one of four ways:
- Direct Entry: Manually input dollar amounts directly into ShareBuilder CRM.
- Copy from Excel: Ensure the Excel layout matches the CRM format. Copy the data, click on the first cell in ShareBuilder CRM (e.g., 2025 Jan), paste, and then click into the next cell (Feb) to populate the entire year.
- Copy from Previous Year: Use the Tools button to copy budgets from a previous year or apply a percentage increase from a previous year.
- Roll Up AE Budgets: If using monthly AE budget totals to determine the Total Business Unit Budget, select this option from the Tools screen. Note: Subsequent changes to AE budgets will not automatically update the Business Unit budget. After editing an AE budget, you must roll up the monthly AE budget totals to the Business Unit Budget again and then save.
1. Setting 12-Month Secondary Budgets:
- Understand Secondary Budgets:
- A secondary budget is a subset of your total budget, such as Digital or NTR.
- You may enter a secondary budget for all, some, or none of your budget categories.
- Secondary Budgets do not have to add up to the Total Business Unit Budget, as these two budgets are not tied together.
Enter Secondary Budgets:
- Before setting a 12-month secondary budget, select the budget criteria, including the year, Local/National/Regional designation, Business Unit, and Budget Category.
- Click Select to proceed.
- Enter the budget for each budget category one at a time by Business Unit.
- Use the Tools button to copy budgets as is or as a percentage increase from a previous year.
- To roll up monthly AE budget totals to the Business Unit Budget for each secondary budget category, use the Tools button. After making edits to an AE budget, you must roll up the monthly AE budget totals to the Business Unit Budget again and then save.