Precision Pending

A game-changing solution that leverages advanced algorithms to revolutionize forecasting and gain trust in your team's Pending dollars.

How it works:

  • Precision Pending is based on AE behavior. It learns how accurate they are at putting pending into these buckets and will adjust with more data.
  • When a new AE begins entering pending, it is recommended to allow at least one quarter to assess their Pending behavior. However, Precision Pending will start populating after one month.

What it Looks like:

Seamlessly oversee and handle your Precision Pending, Adjusted Pending, and Unadjusted Pending lists simultaneously, all from a single Sales Funnel page. 


Important Items of Note

  • Updating Pending daily will provide the most accurate results.
  • If an Account gets transferred to a new AE, it will assume the Pending precision of the new AE.
  • If accounts get transferred, be sure that the new AE is updating Pending for that account.
  • During the feature rollout, we'll meticulously monitor performance and consider customer feedback to optimize Precision Pending and align it with changing media sales dynamics.
  • Please read our blog post about Precision Pending and why it was created here!