Map Missing/New Revenue Categories

If you have a Missing Revenue Categories RED Alert, use these instructions to clear the alert and to see your revenue in the right place.

You must have Manager or Admin roles and have that function enabled in your profile.

1. Click on the Missing Revenue Categories Alert on your Home page.

2. Click on the Number in the New Revenue Categories Column.
3. Click on PROCEED to clear the warning notification.

4.  Slide the Include toggle to green (ON) if you want the dollars in this revenue category to display in ShareBuilder CRM and count toward budgets/billing etc. Leave the Include Toggle to Off if you do not want these dollars to be included in your revenue, e.g., Talent Fees, Trade, Hard Costs, etc.

5. (IMPORTANT! You will not be able to save without this step)CLICK on the red banner to confirm the new Revenue Category.

6. Choose the Budget Category in which the dollars from this Revenue Category should be displayed.

7. Use the Save buttons to Save to all Business Units or just the selected Business Unit as needed.