How to Set Up/Change Pending Stages and % Confidence Defaults


This guide provides instructions for managers on how to customize the sales funnel stages and set default or range-based confidence percentages for pending deals in ShareBuilder CRM.


Tailoring the sales funnel stages and associated confidence levels ensures that the CRM aligns with your team's sales methodology. This customization enhances forecasting accuracy and streamlines the sales process by reducing manual data entry.


  1. Access Sales Funnel Settings:


  2. Customize Stages:

    • Rename Existing Stages:
      • Click on the stage name you wish to modify.
      • Click the pencil icon next to the name to edit it.
    • Add New Stages:
      • Use the interface options to add additional stages as needed.
  3. Set Confidence Levels:

    • Default Confidence:
      • Assign a specific confidence percentage to a stage.
      • Example: Set the "WON" stage to 100% confidence to automate updates when an order is received.
    • Confidence Ranges:
      • Define a range (e.g., 50-90%) for stages where the likelihood of closing varies.
      • This flexibility accommodates different sales scenarios and strategies.

  4. Implement Changes:

    • Ensure all pending items are resolved before making changes, as existing pendings will not automatically adopt new settings.
    • Designate the appropriate stages for "Proposal" (where presentations are made) and "Order Received" to maintain functionality for auto-closing pendings and accurate reporting.