How do I set up a WO Weekly Revenue Report?

This is a guide for setting up a template & exporting data for a Wide Orbit Weekly Revenue by Weekly Totals Report.

This Report should be in Broadcast Calendar and Gross

  1. Go to Revenue Report in Wide Orbit.
  2. Select NEW under General Tab.
  3. Under Calendar Options on the left side of the screen select BROADCAST.
  4. Under Display Options select
    1. the year (i.e. 2022)
    2. the quarter(s) to pull
    3. GROSS.
  5. Under the Fields To Include Select
    1. STATION(S) (May also be labelled “Reporting Property” under Category 1
    2. WEEK under Category 2.
  6. Under the REVENUE OPTIONS, Select
    • AS BOOKED under Inventory Code
    • AE under Office
    • SPOT under Revenue Source.
    • For the Transaction option, select CASH.      
    • Under Include check: REVENUE, NEW BUSINESS, and REGULAR BUSINESS
    • leave rest unchecked.
  7. Leave all of the boxes under Sold Spot Options unchecked.
  8. Under Station/Channels – click the Station.
  9. Click Save and Save this under a name like “ShareBuilder Revenue Report”.
  10. Click Run.
  11. Right click on the report, click Save to File, and then select Excel.
  12. Save and send to