Forecasting Table

The data you know from ShareBuilder Desktop can now be viewed in the Forecasting Table in the Web Platform.

All values on the web match the values in ShareBuilder Desktop. If you make any edits on the web, those will get updated in the ShareBuilder Desktop simultaneously. Below is a picture highlighting the rows in the Forecast table that you can edit. 

Pricing target

You can edit this row in the Forecast table as long as the Station Forecast is not set to an Actual/Final. 

Station Forecast or Actual

  • You can edit this row in the Forecast table as long as the number has not been finalized. An actual value is denoted with the letter 'a' appearing after the dollar amount. 
    • To remove actual status from a value, hover over the value and click "Remove Actual Status". The value will not have an 'a' anymore and you will be able to edit. 
    • To set a value as an actual/final, hover over the value and click "Set as Actual". The value will turn red.


You can edit this row in the Forecast table as long as the Station Forecast is not set to an Actual/Final. If you decide to edit the Booked row, you will be asked to choose a Booked date.