Dashboard - The homepage of CRM

Dashboard is the homepage for CRM. From here you can easily see your market summary, as well as jump straight into your personal overview, or the team overview for managers.

NavBar1Dashboard will be replacing the "Home" page of CRM beginning on 4/4/2024.  Your market summary view will remain the first place you land, when logging into CRM.  Under the Dashboard, you will be able to select from one of three options:

  1. Market - This will take you back to your market summary page.  This will continue to be the page that is loaded when you first login to CRM. 
  2. Team - This is a view for managers to be able to see all AE's in once quick glance and easily navigate to individual AE's 1-on-1 pages.
  3. Overview - This will take you to your personal 1-on-1 page.