ShareBuilder CRM API

A suite of API Endpoints to get and create the same data found within your CRM account


ShareBuilder's CRM APIs are a representation of our mission to provide the industry's most integrated and open platform. Our APIs are designed to enable users of any size to build robust integrations that help them customize and get the most value out of the ShareBuilder platform.

Our APIs are built using REST conventions and designed to have a user-friendly structure. They use many standard HTTP features, including methods (POST, GET, PUT) and error response codes. All of our CRM API calls are made under "" and all responses return standard JSON.


  • Leads
  • Accounts
  • Agencies
  • Contacts
  • Activity
  • Billing
  • Users
  • Product Categories
  • Traffic Systems
  • Stations
  • Markets
  • & more

External Source IDs

In many integrations, matching records can be difficult and can create a high probability of creating duplicate records if done incorrectly. Our APIs provide the ability to create and look up External Source IDs. These IDs could be created from your lead generation system, accounting solution, or data factory solution. 

Currently, the following objects support External Source IDs:

  • Accounts
  • Leads
  • Contacts (Coming Soon)

Public API Documentation 

Our development team provides API users with a ReDoc resource to help consumers better understand the data available within our platform. 

CRM API Documentation


API Configuration

Base URL

Authentication Configuration

Authentication Type


Token Endpoint


Client Authentication

Send as Basic Auth header


Authorization: Bearer token

Client ID & Client Secret

Access many market databases from a single set of credentials without using a user's credentials. This is ideal for larger integrations between our CRM platform and a third-party service. This solution allows the integration partner to specify the user when creating objects or default to the house user if no match. 

Request Client ID & Client Secret

To gain access to our Integration Partners, please complete the form below and select Request Vendor API Access. Once received, our team will verify your access request and provide you with your Client ID and Client Secret.