This article provides guidance on uploading, managing, and sharing account-related files within ShareBuilder CRM.
Storing customer documents, images, and other pertinent files directly in ShareBuilder CRM ensures centralized access, enhances collaboration among team members, and maintains organized records linked to specific accounts.
Uploading New Files:
- Navigate to the desired Account Summary by clicking on the account name within ShareBuilder CRM.
- Select the Files tab associated with the account.
- Click the Add Files button and choose the file from your computer that you wish to upload.
- After selecting the file, click Upload or OK to complete the process.
Supported File Types:
ShareBuilder CRM supports a variety of file formats, including but not limited to:
- .jpeg, .jpg
- .txt
- .mov
- .wav
- .mp3
Private and Shared Files:
- Default Privacy Setting: Uploaded files are set to private by default.
- Sharing Files: To share a file with your team:
- Click Edit on the desired file.
- Toggle the Private option to Off.
- Click Save to apply the changes.
Visibility Rules:
- Account Executives (AEs): An AE can view any file they upload for accounts they own.
- Managers: Managers can view all files, including private ones, for any account within the business units they oversee.
- Shared Accounts: In shared account scenarios:
- AEs sharing an account can view files uploaded by the account owner or themselves, regardless of the file's privacy setting.
- Transferred or Merged Accounts: If an account is transferred or merged:
- Private files remain visible only to the original uploader.
- New account owners will not have access to these private files.
Managing File Privacy:
- Managers' Authority: Managers can change the privacy settings of any file within their business units.
- Adjusting Privacy Settings: To make a private file public:
- Navigate to the Our Team page.
- Select the team member's name to open their profile.
- Click the Administration tab.
- Locate the file settings and toggle the privacy option as needed.
Storage Information:
- Cost: There is no charge for storing account files in ShareBuilder CRM; this feature is included for all customers.