Determine Key Account Level


This article provides a step-by-step guide on how to identify and set the Key Account cutoff level within ShareBuilder CRM to prioritize your most valuable clients.


Key Accounts typically represent the top 20-25% of your clients, contributing to approximately 75-80% of your revenue. Regularly updating the Key Account cutoff level ensures that your sales efforts are focused on the most impactful clients, reflecting changes in rates and spending patterns.


To determine and set your Key Account cutoff level, follow these steps:

  1. Access the Monthly Billing Report:

    • Navigate to Sales Analysis > Export/Reports > Account Billing > Monthly Billing.

    • If you manage account prioritization by business unit, select the specific business unit. For cluster-wide prioritization, choose all business units.
  2. Select Account Type:

    • Choose Local to focus on local accounts, unless you intend to include National accounts in your prioritization.
  3. Define the Time Frame:

    • Select a 12-month period to assess spending levels.
      • For annual resets, consider using data from the prior year.
      • For mid-year adjustments, use the most recent 12 months up to the current month.
    • Ensure the selected period encompasses all 12 months to account for seasonal spending variations.
  4. Run the Report Without Additional Filters:

    • Avoid applying extra criteria or subtotals to capture a comprehensive view of account spending.
  5. Analyze the Report:

    • After generating the report, count the total number of spending accounts (i.e., the number of lines in the report).
    Note: You may exclude minor accounts, such as those with minimal one-time purchases, to focus on more significant clients. Adjust the total count accordingly.
  6. Calculate the Top 20%:

    • Multiply the adjusted total number of accounts by 0.20 to determine the number of accounts that constitute the top 20%.
  7. Identify the Key Account Cutoff Level:

    • Locate the line corresponding to the top 20% of accounts.
    • Examine the total spending amount on this line (found in the far-right column).
    • Tip: If the spending figure isn't a round number, consider rounding to the nearest whole number for simplicity.
  8. Admins can set Account Levels under Options → Account Categories