Katz National Pending

Pulling Katz National Pending Reports

Single Market Report

This report will export National Pending data from the Katz system so that it can be imported into ShareBuilder CRM.  

  1. Open the Katz interface and select the Reports tab.  Select the “Advertiser Projection Report” from the resulting menu.

2. When the report opens, confirm the following settings in the report settings block:

a. Salesperson, Office, Demo, Spotlength, Station, Agency, and Advertiser should all be set to All.  
b. Select the correct Market from the dropdown menu.
c. Spot Proposals and Network Proposals should both be selected.
d. The start date should be today’s date; the end date should be left blank.
e. “Broadcast Date”, “All Requests/Offers”, and “Advertiser Report” options should all be selected.
f. Click Apply to save the report and retrieve data.
g. Export the report by clicking the “Excel” Button to the right, and save the file in a place where you can access it easily.

Multi-Market Report

ShareBuilder CRM is able to support a single report for Corporate clients with multiple markets.  There are special settings that need to be in place for this option to be available.  You should discuss the option with your ShareBuilder CRM Sales Representative if interested.

Once set up, the same report is used, but the Market dropdown should be set to All rather than a specific market.

How do I Upload Reports?

Using your password provided, go to my.ShareBuilder CRMsolutions.com and login.  

Select “Uploads” from your left navigation bar.

1. Set the Source to “Katz” and the Financial Data Type to “Pending”.
2. Select the market that you are uploading.
3. Set the Business Unit to “All Business Units”.
4. Click Browse and select the folder that has the report you created.
5. Click Upload button to submit the file
6. You will get a confirmation if the upload is successful.

Note: The file should Upload immediately, but it may take up to 30 minutes for the data to be updated in ShareBuilder CRM.

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